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city of salem virginia fire, fire departments in city of salem, city of salem va fire stations, volunteer fire department, city of salem virginia, city of salem fire station numbers, city of salem fire jobs, city of salem live dispatch, city of salem fire departments, city of salem ems, city of salem ambulance, city of salem virginia firefighters
photo by Bedford FD
photo by Bedford FD
photo by Warren County Fire Rescue
photo by Warren County FR
photo by Leesburg Volunteer Fire Company
photo by Leesburg Volunteer Fire Company
photo by Chesapeake Beach VRS
photo by Chesapeake Beach VRS
photo by Friendship VFC
photo by Friendship VFC
photo by James City Bruton VFD, Dave Sanders
photo by James City Bruton VFD, Dave Sanders
photo by Virginia Beach Rescue Squad
photo by Virginia Beach VRS
photo by Fredericksburg FD
photo by Fredericksburg FD
photo by Hampton FD
photo by Hampton FD
photo by Richmond FD
photo by Richmond FD
City of Salem

is an independent city in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Established in 1968, Salem has a population of approx 24,747 in an area of 15 square miles.

city of salem virginia fire, fire departments in city of salem, city of salem va fire stations, volunteer fire department, city of salem virginia, city of salem fire station numbers, city of salem fire jobs, city of salem live dispatch, city of salem fire departments, city of salem ems, city of salem ambulance, city of salem virginia firefighters

Help Needed  If you are a firefighter in the City of Salem, we need your help to verify the station information shown below is current and correct.

If you have any information to add to this section, please email us at
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photo by Warrenton VFC
photo by Warrenton VFC
photo by Sterling VFC, Will Ermini
photo by Sterling VFC, Will Ermini
photo by Salem Fire EMS Department
photo by Salem Fire EMS Department
Fire - EMS Departments  in  the City of Salem
Salem Fire-EMS 216 South Broad Street Salem 540-375-3080
Sta Engine Truck HD Rescue Special Units & Ambulance Address Area
1 Eng 1 Tower 1   Medic 801, Haz Mat 1 105 South Market Street Downtown
2 Eng 2       415 Electric Road  
3 Eng 3     Medic 802 1900 Eddy Ave  
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